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Danielle : Depression, insomnia, low libido, hair loss

"'' not only provided a comprehensive treatment plan that included an extensive list of health test results, diet, lifestyle advice, supplements and herbal recommendations; they also discovered and explained the link between my symptoms of depression and insomnia and my deficiencies shown within my test results. These symptoms managed to dissipate after following ''s recommendations. I highly recommend you book an appointment with ''."


Brian: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

"I was impressed by ''s knowledge and approach to medical ailments. Thier personable demeanor gave me confidence to reflect positively on our initial conversation. Consequently I booked an appointment with '' to discuss the discomfort I was experiencing in my stomach with eating. '' provided a comprehensive list of advice including diet, options of suitable supplements, recommended tests to undertake to find the cause and provision of a future health and treatment plan. It was through their calm manner and logical explanations that I was able to make an informed decision on how to improve my health situation. Throughout our consultations, I gained a respectful confidence in ''s capabilities. I highly recommend '' to you."   



Rudi: Immune issues

" I went to see '' for low immune issues and lack of sleep.  I know that if I went to see a GP, I would have been placed on sleeping pills which would have caused more complications in the long term. Instead I now have the answer to the cause of my immune issues." ​


Diagnostic Companies




Food Detective


Laboratoires Reunis


Supplemental companies
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